Eaten alive by mossies

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Eaten alive by mossies

Post by Alun »

Right, we've all heard or experienced the infamous Scottish midge, but I can tell you now these guys are like loveable Andrex pups compared to some of the killer mossies I've encountered on my travels.

The toughest little beasts I've come across are up in Northern Scandinavia. They are the only mossies in the world that can hover and latch on in a gale. Beware, if you're heading above the Arctic Circle in early summer.

The most vociferous are those up in the High Sierra in California. I went hiking/camping there one summer and forgot to pack any DEET. It didn't worry me too much as it was the end of the mossie season – or so I thought. That years snow melt was a month behind schedule and I hit the remote high trails in peak mossie feeding frenzy period. I'm not kidding you when I say there was not one square inch of my body that was not inflamed by bites upon bites. It was an horrific experience and it was only by luck that I bumped into a Ranger with a surplus of DEET – we are still friends to this day.

The moral of this story? Do not underestimate mossies and don't travel overseas, go play with the friendly Scottish ones instead!
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Re:Eaten alive by mossies

Post by Nessmuk »

I've experienced killer mozzies and midges in southern Sweden. One time the midges were so bad it was like a fog, you couldn't do anything with out scratching or hitting yourself every couple of seconds.

Nasty things, nothing we had stopped them. Tried DEET, garlic, Nordic summer, they just kept biting. I felt like a pin cushion!
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Re:Eaten alive by mossies

Post by herman »

Luky me , I've only experienced the scottish ones. Camped at Fort William next to a lovely pine forest and became a mossie picnic after retuning from Ben Nevis. :(
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Re:Eaten alive by mossies

Post by LargeWayRound »

Worse for me , borders forest camping park .. The sign in reception should have given it away for me .. "NO Refunds for Midge Issues"

I asked them : Oh no! not that bad..

Holly @rap .. worse ever .. .. and I have done 30 years camping all over scotland ..

On leaving the chap says ... Oh yeah .. It has been really bad for 2 seasons now ... Thanks MATE .....

Will never go there again ..
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Re:Eaten alive by mossies

Post by davsato »

400% RDA vitB1 + thiamin. something comes out in your sweat that they dont like, or disguises your CO2 signature and they simply cant recognise you as food. it does work, but no idea what it does to your liver! should be ok for short periods though.
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Re:Eaten alive by mossies

Post by Alun »

From what I understand mossies home in on food i.e. blood, via smell and the properties present in DEET (and other repellents and maybe your 400% RDA vitB1 + thiamin) mashes up their sense of smell.

I carried out an experiment in Sweden where I covered just one hand in DEET. The mossies would hover over the hand with DEET but would never land. Once I exposed the other hand they were all over it. I've got a pic somewhere of a mosquito feeding on the back of my hand, the things I do for work.
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Re:Eaten alive by mossies

Post by Treadtrader »

While riding through Sweden a pal had an "upset stomach moment"
Off he went into the forest with his bogroll.
Very funny when he came back. Mossies like English bums it appears.
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Re:Eaten alive by mossies

Post by davsato »

that makes sense, if im bitten its always on a thin bit of skin like round my wrist where my watch was or my waistband or ankles where pants/socks have been squeezing. they must find it easier to get their fix there.
urgh, makes me itch thinking about it, headlice ticks mozzies, die you horrible things. my old cat came in once with a deer tick on it the size of a 2p
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Re:Eaten alive by mossies

Post by africajim »

Simple cure to Scottish midges, Famous Grouse! Drink a few large drams of the "Lowflyer" and they'll not touch you!
Must be the after affect coming out through the pores they don't like. And the good news a whole litre only cost me £16 from Asda's tonight! (Less 10% with Fiona's staff discount!) One of the whiskies used in the blend is my all time favourite The MacAllan, making it a very favourable whisky as it has a Speyside flavour to it.
Main mixers for tonight are Famous Grouse and Drambuie, a cheap mans version of a rusty nail! Followed by Famous Grouse with Crabbies ginger wine! Known as a Whisky Mac!
I then frequent forums and reply with witty banter! ;)
Enjoy folks, and remember to try the Famous Grouse midge repelent next time you're up here!
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Re:Eaten alive by mossies

Post by appleby »

I was on Skye last month, and was told about the Grouse "miracle", but bearing in mind it doesn't get dark in Northern Scotter's in June, I would have been bladdered by 8pm?
So, can I recommend that other Scottish midge/mozzie repellent to you all .............. Avon Skin So Soft!
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