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Wait, + it fixes itself?

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 12:34 am
by garyboy
Such a strange title, such a strange thing.
"It won't fix itself" .. "It'll only get worse" .. "throw it in the bin" .. etc.

Well recently I've had items that when left, they have fixed themselves ??

Bike forks ... I fitted a Racetech fork spring. It was harsh and crap. I used my crf250Rally a year later, after sitting in depression, and it was now .. er .. perfect ??

Bike engine ... crf250Rally suddenly got extremely noisy, and I shoved it in my shed, amidst deep depression. A year later, it started first time and was quiet. Mechanics told me it was fine ??

Did you know you can do a dct reset ... and .. a throttle reset, after physical adjustment? My nc750s was running rough and with a lot of vibration. Ok, it didn't fix itself, well maybe sort of . Did the dct reset by twiddling the consoles.. hey presto, running smooth again, and more mpg too.

OK, this one is a genuine self-fix. My Nikon zoom camera suddenly wouldn't recharge properly or auto zoom focus. Left it 2 years or so. Tried it .. working perfectly again ??

ok .. here's some more that also happened in the last month ...

My garden string lights, worked off a solar battery, stopped working last year, despite all my efforts. I moved them a few days ago to cut the hedge. ... They started working again ??

My daughter wanted some binoculars, so I thought i'd give her my old small ones that i could never get on with .. shake and poor visibility, pathetic in fact, but would do until i could get her some decent ones. Tried them before I cleaned them ..... worked perfectly. ?? (I gave her my new ones instead lol.)

also ...
Last year my fridge freezer conked out. I could do nothing with it and there was a melt-down lol. Tried it a week later, (after picking a new one out) ... worked better than ever ??

Re: Wait, + it fixes itself?

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 8:51 am
by Magnusson
I think angels (or aliens) sneaked into your place and fixed everything for you. If it was aliens it was probably in an effort to clean up their image before going public with proof of their existence. (US gov now says they exist, so I guess it's only short wait until they start to pop up on talk shows).

Or your perceptions can change. Forks, binoculars.
Computer reset can change how things work. Bike engine, fridge, dct.
Loose connections can (usually temporarily) give good connection. Bike engine, fridge, lights.

Re: Wait, + it fixes itself?

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2023 10:21 pm
by garyboy
Happened again today.

got ready to take my NC750 out, mid day.
Wouldn't start.
tried everything .. but can't push start it as its a DCT.
Battery must be dead?

tried my crf250 .. battery also dead. !!!
so decided to tidy my bike shed.

Went to put my NC back into my bike shed, 3.00 pm ...... Started.

went for an evening ride lol.

Re: Wait, + it fixes itself?

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2023 1:25 pm
by Magnusson
It simply wouldn't start
This lovely piece of art
Battery must be dead
Time to go, and cry in bed.
Cannot pullstart a DCT
So maybe instead I'll have a tea.
Then it's time to tidy the shed
Maybe then to scratch my head
At 3.00 pm I tried halfhearted
Lo and behold, the bike, it started

I'll see myself out. :D

Re: Wait, + it fixes itself?

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2023 3:34 pm
by garyboy
Brilliant Mags .. love it .. talented, or what. :P 8-) :lol:

Re: Wait, + it fixes itself?

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2023 8:16 pm
by garyboy
well .. just to annoy some people wot fink iy does twaddle ..
and encouraged by a couple of likes, a psychological explanation, ... and, a poem :oops:

I shall continue with todays phenomenon (all absolutely true, btw.)

A Last year i stopped wearing my leather bike trousers coz they were too tight around the waist, and rubbing :oops:
My textile ones were comfy but too think and restrictive .. looked baggy, more so than my leathers.
Even so the leathers did not fit exactly, as they were too long and baggy anyway.

Today ..
tried them on .. fitted like a glove, didn't look too baggy .. and i could mount the bike, eastly.
ok .. i may have managed to loose half a stone or so ... but ... i mean ... like a glove.
glad i waited lol.

lat year..
baggy leater legs and bloated belly , yukk. :oops:
Imagep3310567402-11 (2)qq by gary boy, on Flickr

5 years ago .. its Plain to see .. different textiles, same problem ..
Image38493475_10216742131774216_1303593784893767680_n by gary boy, on Flickr

Re: Wait, + it fixes itself?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 8:53 pm
by garyboy
OK.. some more twaddle lol ..
I went shopping today, so have lowdsa food in .. but yesterday I was low on everything and have recently developed a sweet tooth.

I looked through all the cupboards and rifled through the freezer. Hey .. what's that?
Blimey.. a frozen apple tart that you got to cook foe 50 minutes. That's why it was still there.. and I was keeping it for an emergency.

Checked date... Sept 2019 use by lol.

So I cooked it ...... and ate it .. Nice too.

See? I waited 4 years .. and it didn't UNfix itself.

( Vsiting hours are 7 till 9. )

Re: Wait, + it fixes itself?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 8:59 pm
by garyboy
I Didn't Wait for it to be fixed ... the lawn.
Should have.
I spent an hour mowing my part of the lawn, in our block of flats, as it was starting to get dire.

Then the gardening guy turns up, and.. mows the fakkin lawn.... depositing the shitty black grass mess on my side.

I broke my own rules.. and didn't wait lol.

Worst thing, I fell asleep after, knackered oap, and didn't have time clean and sort my crf as planned.
Never mind .. its raining tomorrow lol.

Re: Wait, + it fixes itself?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 10:32 pm
by garyboy
So funny ..
My garden string lights started working again after a year when I tried them on flashing.
I didn't like them blinking but left them that way to annoy my nasty neighbours lol.

Now they all got flashing lights, copying me, lol.

I waited, did nothing, and now got a garden full of flashing lights ha hah lol.

Image20230807_221557 (2) by gary boy, on Flickr

much brighter and flashier than this shows

Re: Wait, + it fixes itself?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 8:18 pm
by Thedktor
Gary, I don't usually know what to say to most of your posts but they are always fun, unusual [read eccentric!] and interesting. so thanks for that ;)

If I was nearer I would pop by and offer some impartial thoughts on some of your weird and wonderful problems, but then we wouldn't hear about them in such entertaining posts. 8-)