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Am I in the wrong Pigeon Hole.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:46 pm
by ChasF
It is 20 years ago this year that we (me and wifey) set off from the UK on our R100GS and spent a year travelling down to Cape Town, via Egypt and the east coast then through Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia. All the modifications to the bike including all the luggage were entirely home made, there was no internet, no mobile phones and no GPS. Poste Restante was a can of worms in most places. We had a great time.

In those days we had Touring, trail riding and Overlanding and it always seemed pretty clear to me what I was doing at any given time. Nowadays, we've got trail riding, touring, adventure touring, dual sporting, adventure trail riding and expeditions and worse than that I've still got the R100GS which I use for touring (and a bit of trail riding). Every trip I do seems to be a bit of an adventure although my wife considers it more of an expedition, judging by how long it takes her to pack a pannier these days. I'm wondering if I still know what I'm doing and should I be using a different sort of boot or glove (or handshake for that matter)?

Re: Am I in the wrong Pigeon Hole.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:52 pm
by Treadtrader
ChasF wrote:It is 20 years ago this year that we (me and wifey) set off from the UK on our R100GS and spent a year travelling down to Cape Town, via Egypt and the east coast then through Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia. All the modifications to the bike including all the luggage were entirely home made, there was no internet, no mobile phones and no GPS. Poste Restante was a can of worms in most places. We had a great time.

In those days we had Touring, trail riding and Overlanding and it always seemed pretty clear to me what I was doing at any given time. Nowadays, we've got trail riding, touring, adventure touring, dual sporting, adventure trail riding and expeditions and worse than that I've still got the R100GS which I use for touring (and a bit of trail riding). Every trip I do seems to be a bit of an adventure although my wife considers it more of an expedition, judging by how long it takes her to pack a pannier these days. I'm wondering if I still know what I'm doing and should I be using a different sort of boot or glove (or handshake for that matter)?
Seems to be the right way to me Chas, have you not learnt the ABR handshake yet? :woohoo:

Re: Am I in the wrong Pigeon Hole.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:00 pm
by Mosel Bikes
You are a true adventurer sir and we salute you - whatever boot, glove, bike or handshake you're using.

Re: Am I in the wrong Pigeon Hole.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:00 pm
by Louisdut
ChasF wrote:
In those days we had Touring, trail riding and Overlanding and it always seemed pretty clear to me what I was doing at any given time. Nowadays, we've got trail riding, touring, adventure touring, dual sporting, adventure trail riding and expeditions and worse than that I've still got the R100GS which I use for touring (and a bit of trail riding).

I just ride my bikes not sure what others have called it in the past or now ?

But I call it having a good time :laugh: :laugh:


Ps If your having fun who cares :)

Re: Am I in the wrong Pigeon Hole.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:41 pm
by davsato
hi chas, wear whatever gloves you like, boots, ride what you like any way you like, shake any way you like (please wash your hands afterwards though) i dont like pidgeonholes and labels, 'you are one of those, im one of these, so i wont talk to you' rubbish. like a lot of HD and BMW riders wont nod to inferior brands. lifes too short.

Re: Am I in the wrong Pigeon Hole.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:08 pm
by africajim
Welcome sir, life's full of pigeonholes, only you can decide whether you fit in to any of them or not. I feel I fit in to this forum as I like to travel on my motorcycle, like most, if not all on this site.
You would appear to have the same passion as most on here so I guess you're in the right pigeonhole mate!
Enjoy the forum, plenty of friendly faces to share experiences with.

Re: Am I in the wrong Pigeon Hole.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:17 pm
by LargeWayRound
Hi Chas

Welcome to the forum ..

Re: Am I in the wrong Pigeon Hole.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:44 pm
Welcome to ABR mate ;)

Re: Am I in the wrong Pigeon Hole.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:02 pm
by mark1150
davsato wrote:hi chas, wear whatever gloves you like, boots, ride what you like any way you like, shake any way you like (please wash your hands afterwards though) i dont like pidgeonholes and labels, 'you are one of those, im one of these, so i wont talk to you' rubbish. like a lot of HD and BMW riders wont nod to inferior brands. lifes too short.
Not fair, and not an accurate reflection of reality.
When I was riding Blades, R1's and the like I got flashed and waved at by plenty of BMW riders.
All right I accept that they were mostly white with reflective stripes, and the word ECILOP appeared in my mirrors................

Re: Am I in the wrong Pigeon Hole.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:21 pm
:woohoo: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: