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The Lake Passes Run

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:20 pm
by PeterT
I was very pleased to deputise for James today, many thanks to those who joined me. After an uncertain start to the day the weather picked up very nicely indeed offering us clear skies and stunning views from the tops, all the way out across the irish sea to the Isle of Man from Hardknott. Great company, textbook drop off, fantastic weather and my favourite roads.

Hope you get to see a few pics posted here in due course.

Re: The Lake Passes Run

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:57 pm
by norris
Thanks for a brilliant day :)

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2

Re: The Lake Passes Run

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 12:47 pm
by mikeyboy
just got home B) thanks to all for a great rideout on saturday.see you at the next one ;) .mike

Re: The Lake Passes Run

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:32 pm
by dubber68
One of the best ride outs I have been on. Thanks for a great day.

Re: The Lake Passes Run

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:02 pm
by Tenere Mart
Some pictures of the run into the lakes on Saterday , up wynos , pass ,and genral pic s
Sorry something up with the internet having trouble send up pictures ?

Re: The Lake Passes Run

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 6:29 pm
by George
Many thanks for the ride out Saturday, you always do a fantastic job and excelled again this year. The sun coming out made it the perfect day along with those views. Hope to see you on the Scottish Rally.

(KTM from Masham)

Re: The Lake Passes Run

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 6:53 pm
by PeterT
A pleasure George. See PM ;)

Re: The Lake Passes Run

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:15 pm
by PeterT
dubber68 wrote:One of the best ride outs I have been on. Thanks for a great day.
Glad to be of service.

See PM about those Strom bits we talked about ;)

Re: The Lake Passes Run

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:18 am
by James691
Motorcycle-Black-Red-Gold-Thank-you-Front.jpg (43.15 KiB) Viewed 8180 times


Many thanks for taking the helm on the passes run mate! It is very much appreciated, as you can see from the posts, looks like you had the weather too.

For those that do not know I am out of action with sciatica at the moment and Peter has been kind enough to take the bull by the horns and lead a ride out that I still hold as one of the best runs around the UK.

This is one of great things about this place (ABR) that there is always someone that is willing to step up and pitch in at a moments notice. I know that the other riders loved it and while I was driving (it is SO not the same :( ) I could see many bikers zipping around the passes of Cumbria.

I had hoped to catch up and get some shots but in this -
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- it was an exercise in futility from the off!

All I could do was give a jealous smile as I tried to spot the odd ABR sticker in the half second that I had before a bike would zip merrily off around a bend and up a 33% gradient. Leaving me in a 1.5 Diesel chugging up HK pass in first gear. As luck would have it, Erin, is not old enough to understand Daddy's language at this stage :whistle:

I'm sorry that I did not get to meet many people with a late arrival on the Friday (thinking that the Curry was on the Saturday) waiting for the Babysitter to come from work (Liane's Dad). We did manage to see a few people in the White Lion before heading back to the Hall.

We stayed at the Orton Hall Suites - a beautiful 17th century building in Orton. Still with original window frames and Oak paneling to the features but fitted with a Jacuzzi bath for a modern twist.

Far from being my idea! This was born from Liane having to 'endure' living in a tent during our ride past the Alps the other year and her now being adamant that she would not be sleeping in a 'crisp packet' again.

Erin is now 13 weeks old and after a full day around the lakes she did succumb to a bout of colic :( . There is not a lot you can do in these situations and ditching her with her mother to nip down the pub with the lads just isn't cricket in my book! So our plans to come down on the Saturday had been scuppered but by 11pm Erin was fine and snuffling in her cot.

So, my own mini adventure on 4 wheels was a wonderful time but with 2 less wheels is where my heart remains as I have my scan on the 7th May and hope to be back on my bike and getting around the wonderful helmet viewed adventures.

Once again my deepest thanks to Peter for taking the lead on this - top bloke.


Re: The Lake Passes Run

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:43 pm
by Paul
You were there in spirit James and I had your curry it was lovely! Concentrate on getting better there will always be next time. Until then all the best to you, Leanne and the tot's.

Paul & Maria xx