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Re: EU Membership Key Demands

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 1:29 pm
by daytona-supersport
I recently asked a chap I met why he voted for to join the EU at the very outset.
His reply was that he thought he was voting for free trade agreements, not the wild animal of a European super state that we are heading towards.
I voted not to join, being a cynical sod I thought there was more to it than a simple free trade agreement. Then along came butter mountains and milk lakes, rapidly followed by corruption in the dealing of olive oil and building motorways and airports that nobody wants to use. The loss of the UK fishing grounds to trawlers from EU countries. Laws being dictated by Brussels and EU workers coming over here to work and claiming for their families back home. Effective loss of control of our borders and sovereignty. Propping up the failed economies of Mediterranean countries with billions of Euros with no hope of the money ever being repaid. Brussels is one big gravy train for those working within the EU government.

Tell me. What is the difference between being invaded by an army or being occupied by foreign nationals from across the EU and rest of the globe in civilian dress. As I see it the only difference is that the people of the UK are expected to welcome all from foreign lands and are silenced by law about speaking out against this invasion.

The EU is a self serving monster that has only one goal. A single State with a single government dictating to all. There is another word for this. Communism. Plain and simple. This is why so many left wing socialists are in favour of stronger ties within the EU.

OUT - OUT - OUT. (thumbs)

Will an out vote be allowed to produce the an exit from the EU. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Don't be daft those that are in control would never allow this happen. Either the vote will be rigged or the will be a second / third / fourth referendum until they get the response that they really want. All you tax paying worker serfs will do exactly as they want. Eventually. That's democracy. :laugh: :laugh:

Re: EU Membership Key Demands

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 2:05 pm
by Crossrutted
daytona-supersport wrote: All you tax paying worker serfs will do exactly as they want. Eventually. That's democracy. :laugh: :laugh:
and you are different how, exactly?

(cos if you're retired, you'll still be living in the EU communist state (according to you)and subject to their rules enforced by Commissar Corbyn and his toadies! :lol: )

Re: EU Membership Key Demands

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 4:01 pm
by threepot
Yes DS,'Gravy Train' it is! Amazing what you come up with if you search EU Expenses,scandals etc. Heres an example..Lord and Lady 'Expenses'! ... train.html

Re: EU Membership Key Demands

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:03 pm
by daytona-supersport
Crossrutted wrote:
daytona-supersport wrote: All you tax paying worker serfs will do exactly as they want. Eventually. That's democracy. :laugh: :laugh:
and you are different how, exactly?

(cos if you're retired, you'll still be living in the EU communist state (according to you)and subject to their rules enforced by Commissar Corbyn and his toadies! :lol: )
Yep, Got to admit you are 100% correct. At least I don't need to pay 40% tax any more.
It gets to a point where getting a pay rise was worth sod all as I only got half of the money earned. It is easy to say that I was lucky to get a decent wage. Nope. Luck had sod all to do with it, just bloody years of hard graft, missed weekends and holidays and working away from home, just like so many other self employed workers. This was followed by about thirty years of design work, arse wiping pig ignorant privileged tossers straight out of red brick universities, they typically knew sod all about engineering, but are quite happy to take the credit for the skill and work of others. No wonder the country is short of skilled engineers.
Can't wait to see Corbin in power. It will be the biggest balls up that the country has ever gotten themselves into for many years. But don't worry, commissar Corbin and friends will still do well out of it. Blair did pretty well didn't he?

Threepot. The expenses and salaries paid by the EU are par for the course. It is just a big trough for the greedy pigs to get their snouts into. Typical champagne socialists. Animal farm in the real world. :laugh: :laugh: Don't you just love em?

Sung to the tune of THE RED FLAG.
The working class can kiss my arse, I've got the foreman's job at last.

Re: EU Membership Key Demands

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:08 pm
by Mawnanian
daytona-supersport wrote:
Crossrutted wrote:
daytona-supersport wrote: All you tax paying worker serfs will do exactly as they want. Eventually. That's democracy. :laugh: :laugh:
and you are different how, exactly?

(cos if you're retired, you'll still be living in the EU communist state (according to you)and subject to their rules enforced by Commissar Corbyn and his toadies! :lol: )

Sung to the tune of THE RED FLAG.
The working class can kiss my arse, I've got the foreman's job at last.
Not heard that for a long time. When I was doing my apprenticeship my 'mentor' used to sing it all the time.

Re: EU Membership Key Demands

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:18 pm
by AndyB
I was still an apprentice when a few sad individuals started singing "the working class can kiss my arse 'cos Maggies got the job at last". Less than two years later 40% of the workforce were made redundant after the company was bought out and a year after that a third of the land occupied by the factory was sold for housing development.

The strange thing is that it took another 20 years before the rest of the place closed and houses finally occupied all the land :(

Re: EU Membership Key Demands

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:18 pm
by -Ralph-
AndyB wrote:so what is the major difference between the UK and the EU?
Or democratic system may not be perfect, but NOBODY in the country voted for the EU. That's the major difference.

Re: EU Membership Key Demands

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:19 pm
by davsato
-Ralph- wrote:
rlkat wrote:Cameron hasn't got a chance of changing anything.
What makes you say that? They are shitting themselves about us leaving, because we pay in more money than we take out.
Exactly why I'm another OUT vote. They're never going to change things to suit us, so leave them to it. Without the £ we are out of business, without the EU its business as usual. Switzerland manages OK

Re: EU Membership Key Demands

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:21 pm
by AndyB
We don't get to vote for any specific legislation, we vote for people to make those decisions for us and they decided we should remain in the Union as it evolved.

Until now.

Re: EU Membership Key Demands

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:26 pm
by moto al
I'm I Manchester tonight ,tomorrow I'm at a briefing subject European forthcoming referendum. Sorry I can't say who the Client is .I will let you draw your own conclusion .. :whistle: :whistle: .. Al . Watch this space chaps