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Re: French Abr Rally

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:45 am
by Redmurty
The trip I was involved with to the South of France last year, was organised with and for the local villages who turned out and gave an awful lot of their time, cooking cleaning etc. Money raised went into the village coffers and used for villagers.

That's the spirit I like, I don't want to be involved if I'm being dictated to or if things are regimented.

I fully understand that if it falls under the "ABR" banner then "ABR" should have a say, and I've always been one of the first to leap to the defence of "ABR" and the forum, but we are supposed to be "Adventure bike rider" with free spirits, that's why I joined in any case.

I want to turn up at an event go out for a ride of my choice with the local lads and use their local knowledge, lets not kill that free spirit before it all rally gets going.

Just a few thoughts and sorry Phil if I've hijacked the thread cheers Spud ;)

Re: French Abr Rally

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:55 am
by MarkN
To be fair, it looks like James has only reposted what is written elsewhere on the forum as a guide to running a rally.

It looks like a lot of rules but when you actually read them, they're very relaxed. I can also see why the numbers attending need to be a accounted for - So far for Ullapool there is over 130, so it's not like Mrs Miggins' back garden will do!

The ABR rallies that I've attended have all been really good, relaxed affairs and don't cost a fortune. Following James' guidelines above seems to keep the small, friendly theme running through them. :)

Re: French Abr Rally

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:14 am
by Tramp
MY THOUGHTS the spanish hiss was only 35 an that had Abr authorization..if that now needs to be 100 etc it wont happen again in Abr format...

But we can always do a informal meet with as few or many as we like just not call it a Abr rally...then we dont upset anyone...James is pretty laid back just following orders..the uk and Foreign meets deffinately need alt rules..BUT rules is wrong term...

I'm in soho for some fun giving rides again with ice cream...

dont worry folks something will happen..just chill out..

Re: French Abr Rally

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:45 am
by Kendo
Im In! depending on dates etc but would love to go to a meet on the continent.

Re: French Abr Rally

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:32 am
by britfrog
I must admit the thought of a minimum of 100 is an instant no go, i have seen and heard from people who have used a tour company who shall remain unnamed and were told that there would be no more than 25 on the tour however when they arrived at the ferry there were 65!.
The first day was spent trying to avoid wayward riders who had no idea how to ride in a group, the second and third day were spent sussing out similar minded riders and staying away from the group, it just got worse and worse.
For my part it is ILLEGAL to ride in France in groups of more than 12 bikes, now I know the local fuzz tend to turn a blind eye on bigger groups but they have said they want to try and collar some of the international biker tour groups who choose to break the law.
If we do go ahead and organise a tour here as i did last year the ride outs will be split into sensible sized groups lead by a local rider this way we dont get under ones feet and enjoy the scenery and roads. I would be perfectly happy if we had no more than 50.
As for the ABR "rules"
No sponsors?????? what planet do you live on? who is going to pay for the staff to cook for 100 people?? who is going to pay for the rental of toilets and shower units, cooking ranges etc? or do you expect 100 people to pull up at a campsite and all use 1 bog? and 1 shower, unreal

Re: French Abr Rally

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:34 am
by Alun
Tramp wrote: dont worry folks something will happen..just chill out..
Well said Tramp.

Maybe it would help if I clear up a few things here.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating and as anyone who's attended an ABR Rally will know, they are as relaxed and as informal gathering of like minded souls as you're likely to find. And long may that continue.
1st question should a Southern France trip be organised, who would be responsible for shipment of "ABR" goods to the venue and return of unsold goods. Seems to be an awful lot of rules appearing now a days cheers Spud

This is only ever going to happen if I turn up at a rally in a van and that ain't going to happen. This was included in the guidelines when we were being asked by members if we would have t-shirts etc at rallies and before they were available to buy on-line. As they are now available on-line this can be scrapped as far as I'm concerned.

The numbers - it would need to be open to many ABR members - min 100.
My thinking behind ABR Rallies is that they should be inclusive rather than exclusive and we should make every attempt to make sure that if members want to attend then there is room for them. Nothing more than that.
If you are looking to hold a limited number (min 100) then advanced payment booking will need to sorted out.
Not sure what James is referring to here :) , though it would be a good idea if a campsite needs a deposit to secure space. No member should be out of pocket for organising a rally if people don't turn up.
1 No commercial links, sponsors or stands what so ever.

2 No paid for talks, bands or any other distractions. Camp fires, beer and ice cream vans (selling beer) are fine.
When any commercial element is introduced into a rally then you get people attending who are not there because they want to be but because they want to sell you something. I'm not sure I want ABR Rallies to go that way. We've been asked if companies can pay to have stands at rallies and I've declined all offers.
3 You agree to organise road and green lane ride outs to show rally goers the best of your patch. The ride outs would need to be open to novice level also.

4 Provide a single page welcome sheet for all Rally goers with details of the local facilities (garage/shop/pub etc) and the ride outs (starting time/who's leading/mileage/difficulty etc)

5 All official ABR Rally events need to be authorised to save double booking clashes.
The above guidelines are nothing other than making sure that members who attend have a good time and that, if possible, events don't clash.

When a rally is held under the name of ABR then rightly or wrongly I feel responsible for making sure it happens and members are not disappointed or let down when they've booked weekends off work. Forum memberships are fluid members come and go for lots of different reasons plus things happen and well meaning organisers may have to drop out for compelling reasons and when that happens someone has to step in to make sure the event happens – as happened at the German ABR meet this year.

Last but not least; I'm sure we've all been members of forums where for whatever reason events drop off. If we don't want that to happen with ABR then there needs to be an element of glue to keep it together.

And let's not forget the commitment and effort from members who have given up their time and energy to make rallies happen all over the country – and overseas. They are the stars.

Put me down for the French Rally.

Re: French Abr Rally

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:09 am
by GOG 007
Well said Boss ;) Lets hope that clears up everything for the troops :)

@ Russ & Phil - If you Guys are putting yourselves forward as organisers, lets get a date and an alternative over to 691, to ensure it doesn't clash with anything else planned.

If you need any help just ask and I will do what I can, please also add me to the list - bring it on B)

Re: French Abr Rally

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:43 am
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh dear !!!!!

Here's me getting all giddy and not reading the first few post proper !!!!!


So here we go !!!

1st Sorry to the ABR bosses, i was jumping the gun and was thinking more along the HISS idea.

2nd For those who were here for the Pre HISS they know what to expect !!! Very informal .............Roads, Dirt, Drink, Food and great company.

3rd It's a long way down here !!!! so a least 4 days here IMHO is ideal

4th DATES...........Mid to later APRIL until Mid MAY are the best times , warm but not to hot and less tourists ( There's got to be a Bank Holiday in there somewhere)

5th CAMPING..........Free !!! at our place !! the whole of this field

6th ABLUTIONS ........IF this comes off and i hope it does i'll set up a shower/toilet block in the barn.

Sorry again for grabbing the shitty end of the stick , but hopefully the RIGHT SEED is set now.

For those that came down last time BRING TEA BAGS :woohoo: no really the new place is 2 kms over the hill at the back of our place now.

I'll leave it up to you lot to sort dates out as i can do anytime.


ps .............i'll tell Jax now ;)

Re: French Abr Rally

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:52 am
by Big Daddy
PHILinFRANCE wrote:Ohhhhhhhhhhhh dear !!!!!

.............i'll tell Jax now ;)
:laugh: Good Luck B)

Re: French Abr Rally

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:34 am
by picos mestizo
I'm in.
Try to keep the dates further apart from the other events.