Jacobs Ladder, Stoney Middleton, potential TRO.

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Re: Jacobs Ladder, Stoney Middleton, potential TRO.

Post by Hugh »

Greetings, (but potentially as the bringer of naff news)

For information only at this stage I write to let you know that the next meeting of DCC’s Cabinet Members for Highways is scheduled for the 19th June (next Wednesday) in Committee Room 3, County Hall, Matlock at 11.00am. https://democracy.derbyshire.gov.uk/ieL ... =279&Ver=4

On the agenda at item 4(d) is the TRO for Jacob’s Ladder in Stoney Middleton. The DCC report to the Cabinet Members is attached, and it recommends a full-time permanent TRO. I had expected a public inquiry but this has been ruled out on the grounds of delay and cost to the public purse of up to £20,000.

PDVUG and no doubt GLASS and the TRF will be watching. If you value green lane riding then please join one or both of the motoring groups.


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Re: Jacobs Ladder, Stoney Middleton, potential TRO.

Post by Hugh »


After a suitable time for collecting my thoughts and to calm down a bit, well enough to try and provide you with my report of the Meeting.

I turned up along with representatives of PDVUG and GLASS, we weren’t alone as there were folk from those groups supporting the TRO proposal. We were invited to attend the meeting in a rather cramped and very warm Committee Room, looking bright and freshly painted white, more anon.

As the majority of visitors were there for item 4.D: TRO Jacob’s Ladder, sorry my typing error - Proposed TRO, the Chairman kindly moved the item to the top of the Agenda. A lady from Legal Services presented an overview of the paperwork plus referencing National Park themes of "peace and tranquility", as the tension built. A similarly nice official came in to tell us that he had just received a ‘phone call from the TRF informing that their star man could not attend so requested that their Objection be read out. The Chairman declined that request but permitted a delegated attending representative from the APTR to make a short statement objecting on behalf of the TRF. Each of the other presenters gave their reasons for supporting but because I had not made a formal request prior to the meeting to speak I was refused the opportunity. Seemingly out of context to previous Meetings that we have attended.

Looking along the row of Councillors I could see that they were all very intent on listening to the speakers, not! I don’t think that I have seen as many bored expressions since one of my lectures on the hierarchy of management. Any way after giving time for due consideration after the final speaker had made her points, about 10 seconds, without asking for comment from the throng of ‘village elders’, the Chairman outlined the Committee's alternative actions and seemingly without taking breath he declared his view that only a full TRO would be appropriate. No discussion, no seeking of views from the table. Jacob's Ladder will be subject to a full motorised TRO as we know them.

Gosh what a surprise, which brings me back to the start, a complete whitewash!


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Re: Jacobs Ladder, Stoney Middleton, potential TRO.

Post by PaulinBont »

Quelle surprise! A foregone conclusion before the Hearing- they must have had tactical tips from the Brecon Beacons National Park Authority!
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Re: Jacobs Ladder, Stoney Middleton, potential TRO.

Post by Richard Simpson Mark II »

I have sadly come to the conclusion that it is a waste of time even attempting to engage with these fuckwits.
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Re: Jacobs Ladder, Stoney Middleton, potential TRO.

Post by garyboy »

I got a feeling the national parks don't want motorbikes in their domain ?? :D :lol: :evil: :mrgreen:
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Re: Jacobs Ladder, Stoney Middleton, potential TRO.

Post by bill_qaz »

They just need to get rid of those smelly horses, sweaty cyclists and the bloody ramblers and mission completed. Hang on are there not too many sheep eating that lovely grass :lol:
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Re: Jacobs Ladder, Stoney Middleton, potential TRO.

Post by Richard Simpson Mark II »

Many a true word spoken in jest...or not.

The aim of some is to rewild the NPs...remove all human activites and reintroduce wolves, bears etc.

This is interesting...


and perhaps provides some clues as to who pulls the NPA strings....I suspect "Peak Horse Power' etc are just 'useful idiots' being played like fools by the real powers.

Whoever wins, we can be sure we will lose out.
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Re: Jacobs Ladder, Stoney Middleton, potential TRO.

Post by Pint Master »

National Parks were established in the 50s to give the population access to the countryside not to be used for some Jurassic Park type experiment.
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Re: Jacobs Ladder, Stoney Middleton, potential TRO.

Post by Richard Simpson Mark II »

This from the Association of Peak Trail Riders:

Jacob By The Jugular !

Derbyshire Council have decided to open an enquiry to see if a TRO is required on Jacobs ladder in Stoney Middleton. This route has already gone through a status review many years ago and was designated to be one of the few Byways open to all traffic (BOAT). The amount of evidence needed to establish this needs to be pretty conclusive.

It now transpires that some people would like it closed to vehicles. We fail to see the reasoning behind this since motorcyclists are more than willing to share a right of way with any other countryside user. We understand some local residents have raised concerns regarding vehicle use which has been present for many years. We assume these people knew this road was open when they purchased their property as everyone else is made aware of access issues at the point of acquisition of a property. We believe a known and historic public right of way such as this should not be removed at the detriment to the general public just because someone decides they don't like vehicles using it anymore. As the population and subsequent vehicle ownership increases in the UK it is common for all people who live near a road of any description to experience increased traffic almost without exception.

We are aware of a massive choice of vehicle free routes in the area such as footpaths and bridleways. This is available at the upper part of Jacobs ladder and at the lower part of the route should anyone CHOOSE not to share their outdoor experience with vehicles. Since this is one of the very few options for vehicles to use in order to access businesses in Stoney Middleton and Eyam such as the local cafe's, we think it would not be in the best interests of the local tourism trade or the community to close the route which would cause a customer bypass to these businesses.


Derbyshire Council have decided to impose a full TRO on Jacobs ladder. We can trace motorcycle use through our members alone for over 60 years however it is believed to have been used for over 100 years. Apparently this history of use and the culture of the area that has been accustomed to motorcycle use for so many years is not enough. Other user groups have been give priority and exclusive use on yet another one of the small percentage of legal routes left open to motors. 88% of people who did not want the route closed to vehicles. It was decided to close the lane anyway.

In an attempt to keep our motorcycle heritage alive, road bikers and trail rider groups have vowed to continue presence in the area and will be meeting and visiting the Church within the Nook in Stoney Middleton. This will continue without use of the lane once the TRO is in place. The road will then become a cul de sac. This means the motorcycle traffic using the road to the approach of Jacobs ladder will naturally be required to turn around and re cover their tracks in effect doubling the amount of passing traffic.
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Re: Jacobs Ladder, Stoney Middleton, potential TRO.

Post by NigelL321 »

I see my TRF membership was money well spent. But who can win when it's a whitewash. Which is probably why no one from the TRF bothered to turn up.
Does anyone remember the last time the TRF successful defended a case in the Peak District?
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