What caused this?

Found a great video then post it up here. It doesn't have to be about bikes.
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Re: What caused this?

Post by bull »

and it also says in the new link,

''one rider walked toward the RR before steping aside as the RR driver speed away, careering over a number of bikes and leaving at least one biker on the ground''

see, so the bikers were not acting aggressively and damaging his RR at the time he speed away and almost killed people,

if anything, it seems to me that the RR driver was the aggressive one
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Re: What caused this?

Post by AndyB »

It looks to me as if something had happened earlier then the driver panicked and punted a bike when he thought he was in trouble. From the moment he rammed a bike he was in the wrong as far as I'm concerned and if he'd knocked my wife off her motorbike then shot off into the distance you can be very certain I'd have had his window out with my crash helmet at some point or been under his wheels while I tried.

Should the riders have let him go off into the distance after knocking the first rider off? It was a clear cut hit and run whether the rider braking and causing the first accident was at fault or not and he needed stopping. What would your reactions have been if it had been a family member knocked off on a big run in this country?
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Re: What caused this?

Post by Phil »

i still think its a clear case of Fight or Flight. In a nano second you make a decision, half the time those decisions are not right but sometimes there's no turning back (like running over a load of bikes! :S ).

He did something bad...hitting a biker! Then probably thought "oh shit what have i done", and look how many of them there are! plus my wife and kids are in here, made a split second decision and gunned it! he was lucky he didn't kill anyone.

there's more stuff here (think its of the earlier ride?)

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Re: What caused this?

Post by johnnyboxer »

bull wrote:i give up, so i do,

i mean, so what if the bikers were riding like clowns or dickheads, this was some kind of annual biker rally, you are always going to get sunday riders acting like dickheads and clowns at these things, that dont mean that their are bad people, so it dont,

the biker that got hit seemed to be slowing down and looking back at the camera biker, the crash itself was no big deal,

now, except for the last few seconds, where the biker breaks the windows of the RR, someone point out to me where the the bikers acted aggressively, because i cant see it, and we have only the people in RR word for it, and what else are they going to say,

remember, theres a good chance that alot of these bikers didnt know if anyone was hurt or killed when the RR plowed through the bikers, if his happened to you guys, what you do, most of you would chase down the RR and try to stop him getting away, and maybe break his windows to try and stop him, i feel that the bikers got a raw deal in this,

so lads and ladys, the next time that your are at a bike meet or rally and are riding down the road with 15 or 20 bikers, and one of the bikes gets in an accident with a car,

whatever you do, dont go back to the scene of the accident to see what happened, because you run the risk of being called an angry mob

so, just run away in all different directions across fields and over hegderows, run like the wind
I think you've got the wrong end of the stick

Richard S is right

The bike riders are dickheads

Goading the RR driver

Bike riders shouldn't ride in large groups, over 20 or more - it's dangerous and anti-social :laugh:
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Re: What caused this?

Post by bikehunter »

OMG! whilst riding at a demo for MAG to protest for all the bikers that think the new laws will not effect them, I was involved with an irate driver of a Range rover that thought he was king of the road and we were not aloud to be there and endangered myself and my other half which led me to chase the bastard but she was persuaded me to let it go!
Lucky for him!
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Re: What caused this?

Post by inkyjim92 »

The inbred squids on the bikes were entirely to blame for the whole thing. People who don't know how to ride in groups and behave like simian halfwits. These people give bikers a bad name :angry:
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special one
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Re: What caused this?

Post by special one »

I've seen slightly earlier footage of this and the guy who brakes and initially gets punted had been riding alongside the rr and talking/gestering to the driver, so it wasn't just the slow speed rear ending that caused this.
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special one
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Re: What caused this?

Post by special one »

johnnyboxer wrote:

I think you've got the wrong end of the stick

Richard S is right

The bike riders are dickheads

Goading the RR driver

Bike riders shouldn't ride in large groups, over 20 or more - it's dangerous and anti-social :laugh:
Nowt wrong with large group rides, been on loads, never seen that type of behaviour.
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2003 KTM 950 adventure in silvery blue...

2013 KTM 450 exc-f in orange /white

2007 Scorpa SY250 trials in blue.
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Re: What caused this?

Post by bull »

well, i have seen it happen over the years, so i have, cars drivers harassing bikers, but i have not seen it in along time now, but i bet it still goes on,

9 times out of 10 its the same old story,

some wimp who couldnt beat the sh*t out of his underpants, harassing a biker and try to run him off the road with his big car or 4x4, he thinks this will make him look like a tough guy in front of his woman, he thinks this will impress her

a few good hard belts of a fist was a simple way of teaching these guys a lesson that they would never forget, but you cant do that anymore,

sign of the times, so it is.
Old Git Ray
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Re: What caused this?

Post by Old Git Ray »

Phil wrote:...............

Thanks Phil, kinda shows the real story.

The 6th vid in the list, first 10 seconds beggars belief. The guy coming in from the left, red bike, light blue jacket, death wish, no brains - or at least he won't have for very long.

It's not hard to see how they got into an altercation.
BTW, filtering is illegal in the US except California.
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