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Re: War with Syria...

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:17 pm
by tea007
As a Paratrooper in the 2 Battlion the Parachute Regiment that is on standby for this,So i could end up there on the front line
are my thoughts

I think we should go to war if its proved war crimes have been committed and Nuclear/Biological or Chemical weapons have been used on innocent people.
its a dirty job but let us look after those that have nothing

Re: War with Syria...

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:19 pm
by tea007
we all know as soldiers what can happen !!!!

Re: War with Syria...

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:19 am
by skygod
Airborne ;)

Re: War with Syria...

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:37 am
by -Ralph-
Agree with defend your own borders. Where is the threat to Britain here?

Look after the weak is all very honorable, but if that's the agenda why aren't we on the ground in every country around the world where we know fine well people are dying? Because we pick our battles and honorable agendas don't exist when it comes to politicians.

Why is it always UK and US? See above comment.

I'd have no issue if we were going in as part of a UN force and we were committing an equal share of the resources with France, Germany, US, etc and every other member of the UN, but NO its always UK and US that wade in with the lions share, why? See above comment about agendas!!!

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

Re: War with Syria...

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:45 am
by V_King
Mike101 wrote:Yes if the UN says so and pays for it and no feet on the ground and if it's a lot of countries and not just UK/US.
No if it's just UK/US.
I don't think the Gov would get away with this like they have done in the past. It has to be a UN/world thing or else Russia will kick off big time.
Syria are the only friend of Russia in the region so they have a lot to play for,
that's perfect example of democracy. If one thinks to rape a girl, it is bad, but if everyone thinks it is ok, then it is ok :blink:

The region is unstable, but it never was stable for long time. It is just that the government found something to make their actions sound legitimate AGAIN and try to convince everyone asap, that war is the answer. History is repeating it's mistakes too often and yet every time is the 'right' thing to do :unsure:

There is a lot of interest from many sides. Other arab countries are fuelling UK economy though oil and enormous infrastructure projects and want the region to stay stable, as otherwise it might be the end to other dictators of the region. Then Israel is ally number uno for the US. Russia is pouring Syria's regime with weapons. And then there are deeper ethical problems, which I think would never be solved in the region due to fundamental extremities of the way people are thinking and approaching problem solving.

Re: War with Syria...

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:04 am
by Qadeer
interesting to read the comments on this thread.

Here is some food for thought.

I have been following the Syria war with great interest since the beginning and am involved in aid work for refugees in Turkey and Jordon. From all the truck load/ship loads of aid we send every 3/4 weeks the aid workers that go there to deliver the aid, report back to us saying "there are NO Islamaists there just simple practising Muslims with their families and All of them want Assad gone, hate him and have no sympathy for his army. Almost every family has members of their family fighting against Asad with the FSA and other groups. Yet they want peace and to live side by side with all..without Asad! these Syrians are not much different from us here in UK except they follow a different religion and have different customs.Our way of life teaches us to respect all.

One report noted that some of these refugees did not agree with the initial protests against Asad that occurred before the war but now wholeheartedly and fully support the war against him.

For us to say Syrian Muslims will kill Christians and other minorities if they get in power is very far fetched. They have all lived side by side for centuries...that's not going to happen unless some underhand secretly plots to divide them.

On another note I hold that the Middle East and North Africa (Egypt etc.) do not have the fabric to implement democracy. Just reading their history and understanding their cultures lead me to hold that, but we have witnessed that in the recent events of Egypt anyway. So we should just stay clear of their way of life and we live ours as we see best. We would not like it if people from another land came to us and tried to force their way of life on us.Democracy does not and cannot work in those lands people are too tribal and their is far too much corruption.

As for going to war in Syria, i hold that we really don't have a choice it is just a matter of when we do it. The reason being we are the leaders on earth (militarily and monetary) whether we accept it or not and we hold the world in balance so they don't all kill each other and end up killing us too. As such we have to act when its right..the question is when is it right? i leave that to the politicians and don't necessarily agree with them each time they do.

Anyway that's my two pence :)

Re: War with Syria...

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:57 am
by Mike101
I agree with you.

In the so called west we have had demoracy for several hundred years. So we know how to do it..sort of. It's in all of our very nature to accept that we have a government and how all that works. We might not like how it is being done but we don't question that it is being done.

The arab nations are just far to young to take this on. We in the west are measuring the way people in these states live their lives by our own standards and it just does not work. Where does this all stop. Do we invade France and topple the government becasue they restrict some forms of relegious expression.

It's about time we started accepting that some nations are not very nice to their people and we cannot go around trying to make the world in our image. Are the crusades back but this time based upon politics rather than relegion

We all know the taliban were do we know this. Becasue then man on the TV told us they were. Yes they stopped girls from going to school...thats a bad thing. Yes the performed public hangings...thats a bad thing. And for the record no i'm not a supporter of theirs and i'm glad that they are sort of gone.

But what about all the other countries that hang people in public or where being gay is a crime....why don't we invade there.

The issue i have here is double standards. If it is wrong for one country to do something then it's wrong for all countries to do the same.

Seems to me like we have our brave forces acting as private resources for a few men and women around the world to play with so that they can build nations in their own image.

Yes we are all the same but we do not all live by the same rule of life.


Re: War with Syria...

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:27 am
by Qadeer
well put mike :)

Re: War with Syria...

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:44 am
by -Ralph-
I hate politics.

This issue is about Syria, Assad, International Law, the UN, and the interests of the British people.

This is not about David Camerons leadership of his party, not about him embarrassing himself, not about whips vs back benchers, not about Labour victory, and not about who won a Westminster pissing contest!!!! RANT!

I have no political alignment at all, I just want to see the right thing done.

David Cameron calls parliament back from recess, has a debate, has a vote, and is respecting the results of that vote, even though they conflict with his own personal views and that of his cabinet. In a democracy hasn't he done exactly the right thing? Hasn't he done what Tony Blair should have done?

I kind of agree that it was a bit hasty tabling the motion in the first place and that may have been a mistake, but only because the time was not yet right, because of the international impact and because the UN hasn't had the time it needs to draw conclusions and form an international response, NOT because he's lost a pissing contest.

Makes a change for the better having a Prime Minister who actually listens to the views of the British people IMO.

Certainly there are situations where you don't let the kids run the kindergarten, but in advance of a UN resolution, the country doesn't want the government charging off into another war.

Re: War with Syria...

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:55 am
by Loggy
-Ralph- wrote:I hate politics.

This issue is about Syria, Assad, International Law, the UN, and the interests of the British people.

This is not about David Camerons leadership of his party, not about him embarrassing himself, not about whips vs back benchers, not about Labour victory, and not about who won a Westminster pissing contest!!!! RANT!

I have no political alignment at all, I just want to see the right thing done.

David Cameron calls parliament back from recess, has a debate, has a vote, and is respecting the results of that vote, even though they conflict with his own personal views and that of his cabinet. In a democracy hasn't he done exactly the right thing? Hasn't he done what Tony Blair should have done?

I kind of agree that it was a bit hasty tabling the motion in the first place and that may have been a mistake, but only because the time was not yet right, because of the international impact and because the UN hasn't had the time it needs to draw conclusions and form an international response, NOT because he's lost a pissing contest.

Makes a change for the better having a Prime Minister who actually listens to the views of the British people IMO.

Certainly there are situations where you don't let the kids run the kindergarten, but in advance of a UN resolution, the country doesn't want the government charging off into another war.

Hit the nail on the head there mate...

I'm bloody glad were not getting involved. The last thing we need is to be helping those Al Qaeda lunatics gain any ground...

I was watching the debate for a few hours and the vote last night. I couldn't believe my eyes or ears when DC said he would respect the will of the Commons. Good on him. Yet the press make a big thing of it like he is loosing face, resign etc, etc. Well that's what is supposed to happen in a Democracy. You debate, take a vote and accept the outcome. We would be no better than any other Dictator if we (like Iraq) just ignored the will of the people and carried on regardless...

Now lets have a vote on our membership of Europe...