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Re: Pain in the public transport

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 2:04 am
by garyboy
I don't know much about the ulez, so i looked up the info, but cannot be arsssed these days to read more than 5 lines .. true.
anyway i got enough knowledge and insight to grasp (fleetingly) a small and vague overview.

Comuter-Blaming .... (Victim Blaming) with the intention
of fleecing the innocent long-suffering British Motorist for personal and political and treasury Gain !!!

I have long wondered how our British infrastructure .. roads, bridges, large buildings, parks, inner city / town planning, rail and bus networks etc etc etc look absolute Crap .. compared with these `third world` but rich countries like indonesia, japan, Saudi, arab states etc and now china.

the answer i came to was a Lack Of Investment in our visual landscape/ user architecture !!!
Later i came to realise that this was intentional, a designed plot by Successive Governments to fuck the people, get the revenue in.

I always blamed `the Tories`, believing that all that revenue found its way into their back pockets or those of their `chums` oil companies etc.... but the lez and ulez are perpetuated and wrongly utilised by even the `soft left` (as much as the `hard right`) .. Khan, Red Ken etc etc. It is such a shame that the british people put up with this shite. But, to be fair they (we) are so cleverly duped with so-called `climate change` which is a vast world wide con ... to extract even the last drop of blood out of even the lowest destitute person.

We all want clean air, and especially clean inner cities, but the innocent public, user, is Blamed for the pollution that the governments are producing, by lack of planning, ring roads (in general) diversionary tactics for vehicles, mass demolitions of vistas, areas, routes etc to get a real 20th century (let alone 21st century) perspective.

Also, using `brexit`, `climate change`, `euro emissions` etc as a powerful tool of victim-blaming, and victim-paying.

but this latest thing..... if is correct, of restricting `personal movement` within city centres ...... is on a different, exponential, scale, ... which is beyond belief. I thought China was so so blatant (hong kong, veegjas [spell lol] dictats, autocratic etc ) ... but if this is the way of the (1984) future, in Britain .. then we ain't got much to worry about, with a potential China take-over lol lol... can't believe it .. got to laugh.
Perhaps ulez bosses are actually Chinese secret agents

locally, there has and is a huge surge of infrastructure construction, in Wales .. huh .. "bout effin time or wot" .. putting into operation, with great aplomb and grand announcements, the basics of what our country should have got last century..... strange that these investments come at the same time as `cost of living` etc, cons. :lol: where costs and hence revenue has gone through the roof?

Re: Pain in the public transport

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 5:56 am
by garyboy
In my opinion, this 'Comuter-Blaming' is linked to the tory government dastardly plan to make the working class pay for government failings (Truss, lockdown, +Putin etc), by protecting big business and rich people, by means of cutting down Inflation, so protecting their already ill-gotten gains.

Who better to target than a commuter who Must cross London to keep his livelihood and feed his children, bearing in mind that the victim londoners number 3x say wales.

Re: Pain in the public transport

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 6:40 am
by garyboy
I expect that next will be the 'cost of war' con where working people will be expected to pay for recent decade tory reductions in defence spending.