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Re: What caused this?

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:58 pm
by bull
thats very handy, so it is,

to rear end someone in a crash, and then driveng away like a lunatic and knocking down people with a big 4x4,

just say, your were afraid, and you will get away with it, very handy so it is

but wait, it only works if the people you crash into and knock down are bikers

Re: What caused this?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:23 am
by Fantastic Mrs Fox
bull wrote:sure, lets everybody blame the bikers, we are always blamed when something like this happens,

i tell you what i see, fu*king noting that would cause this sissy in the landrover to do what he did, he could have killed someone

it was the land rovers fault in the first place, he hit the biker who was slowing down, the bikes in front of that biker were slowing down too, someone should tell that big girls blouse in the landrover to open his fu*king eyes,

so, the big sissy was probably afraid to open the window or get out and talk to the bikers about what happened, so the b*ll*cks decided to drive over them

so now, everyone is on landrovers side, even though it was his fault, and that he could of killed someone. and they will blame the bikers for this hole incident, so the will,

it just goes to show, what the world really thinks of bikers, so it does,
I was all in support of the bikers initially but then a debate between me and the hubby ensued. Those bikers were being absolute dicks and dislaying really threatening behaviour - ok if I hit the bike I would have probabbly been mortified opened the window and apologised and tried to talk things through. I think see it from both sides both were in the wrong and there is the whole thing in the US about not knowing who has a gun on them....

Re: What caused this?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:13 am
by Mike101
eforde wrote:Here everyone lost control and respect for whatever reason. It is sad and frightening to see.
Self control and respect are often are rare thing when it comes to things like this.


What caused this?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:18 am
by johnnyboxer
Fantastic Mrs Fox wrote:
bull wrote:sure, lets everybody blame the bikers, we are always blamed when something like this happens,

i tell you what i see, fu*king noting that would cause this sissy in the landrover to do what he did, he could have killed someone

it was the land rovers fault in the first place, he hit the biker who was slowing down, the bikes in front of that biker were slowing down too, someone should tell that big girls blouse in the landrover to open his fu*king eyes,

so, the big sissy was probably afraid to open the window or get out and talk to the bikers about what happened, so the b*ll*cks decided to drive over them

so now, everyone is on landrovers side, even though it was his fault, and that he could of killed someone. and they will blame the bikers for this hole incident, so the will,

it just goes to show, what the world really thinks of bikers, so it does,
I was all in support of the bikers initially

Those bikers were being absolute dicks and dislaying really threatening behaviour ..
Got it in one

Mob mentality

Fecking bikers

Re: What caused this?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:24 am
by Mike101
Not sure if anybody read the daily mail article on this.

The guy had his 5 month old son in the car.

I have looked at this again and again and what i can see is this:-

The bikes are riding like close to each other and swarming around the car. There is some kind of altercation between the car drive and one bike...then that same bike rides in fron of the car and slows right down on purpose...why?

I think from reading the article that the car hit this guy in the back and then was attatcked...well if that were me i'd drive on a bike to get away.

I'm sorry to those out there who think that bikers get a bad name but looking at this is it any wonder.

This video is now all over the world and the attitude of the riders on it show road rage and has just put back our casue by years.


Re: What caused this?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:48 am
by Fried Egg Sandwich
Mike101 wrote:This video is now all over the world and the attitude of the riders on it show road rage and has just put back our cause by years.

Indeed it has. :(

Re: What caused this?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:03 am
by Richard Simpson
The 'rear end' is entirely the fault of the motorbike.

He's in the overtaking lane, and is braking as he pulls in front of the Land Rover as he overtakes it.

He's looking over his shoulder into the lane he has just left, he seems completely unaware of the Range Rover. He's too busy showing off to his mates to concentrate on the road.

He's so close to the range rover that the driver probably won't see that his brake light is on (it will be below the bonnet line). In any case he is partly or completely obscured by its A pillar. If he'd tried that in front of a Kenworth, he'd be a dead man. As it is, he's lucky to be alive.

Much of the riding in the rest of the clip is downright illegal, including people stopping and congregating around the exit ramp on the freeway, crossing solid lines etc.

In a similar situation, I think we all would have done what the RR driver did. I hope the police collar as many of the riders as they can and that they face a harsh punishment.

Re: What caused this?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:21 am
by snaphappy
It was the bike that caused the incident (from what we can see)
I dearly wish I could run to the defence of the people riding motorbikes, there is not enough video to show what really happened, the person at 20-25sec had a testosterone overdose and from the bits we can see certainly looks as though roadrage has got the better of him.
After 25 seconds the rest is guess work. Bad media has shown time and time again what a mob is capable of.
It does make more sense in having a camera set up yourself

Re: What caused this?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:32 am
by bull
Fried Egg Sandwich wrote:
Mike101 wrote:This video is now all over the world and the attitude of the riders on it show road rage and has just put back our cause by years. :(

what cause, we bikers never had a cause, thats because will always be seen as the bad guys in situations like this, so you wasting you time talking about causes, so you are

wheres the road rage, all i see is an accident beteen a car and a motorbike, ok the bikers gathered around the car, its not the first time i have seen that happen after an accident, it doesnt mean that the bikers were going to do anything, if he knocked down a cyclist, you would see a crowd of cyclist gather around the car too, thats normal, its what people do,

maybe, if the 4x4 driver got out and asked the biker he hit if he was ok, which would be the decent thing to do, then i bet notting would of happened,

so, they followed him to stop him getting away, i would of done the same thing myself,

this was a simple accident and not a life and death situation, but the idiot in the 4x4 made it a life and death situation, so he did,

Re: What caused this?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:47 am
by Orlando_Orange
all the video really shows is the initial incident was the bikes fault to be honest. it's not at all clear whether the driver was justified ploughing over bikes to get away.personally i can't see how things could have escalated so quickly that he felt the need to drive away like that. seems like he panicked.

but, like i said, that video really isn't clear at all...