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Re: South-Mid "Wales Weekender"

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:38 pm
by Alun
A trip to the Land of my Fathers. I'll be there.

Re: South-Mid "Wales Weekender"

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:13 pm
by Louisdut
Hi all

Like I said its a long way off but I have started and will update a list on post 1

If more that 10 post up you will go on the reserves list So if your on the list and find you can't make it please let me know then someone can have your place

Adrian & hornet would you like to go on the list incase you find yourself with new tyres,bike ?


Adrian wrote:I would love to, but.....
I don't have a change of tyres available and it may be a little out of my league :dry:
hornet wrote:id love to but the mille lacks ground clearance and i the diablo corsa IIIs lack knobblies. Or my teeth will fall out on the drz hmmmm time for another bikeB) B) B)


Re: South-Mid "Wales Weekender"

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:43 pm
by redbikejohn
Ok i'm out as there is a chec race that weekend.

Re: South-Mid "Wales Weekender"

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:11 pm
by minkyhead
ohh dam
id love to meet up
im only back 10 days from a big trip and 10 days to another so my home karma may be running thin he he

on the plus side i may be a expert camper by then or dead of pnumonia grr
i hope you dont mind the questions

if perhaps i could meet you guys at or near the brige a t a given time that would be nice ...
i would then have or deffo not have a tent so may have do one one saturday night later on ...

the other thing i wanted to ask lou is how hard is it going to be ? ..dont get me wrong ill take the odd tumble topple and stuck axle but i dont want another 18 months sleeping on one side ...dont ask hurt [me and the wallet ]
if its real hard going ill pass

if its ok for willing idiots ill muck in no problem still trying to get used to hussling the bigger bike and since i hurt meself me confidance has been a little low
iguess morroco may sort that out one way or another :woohoo:

thanks steve
By minkyhead at 2011-02-10

Re: South-Mid "Wales Weekender"

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:54 pm
by Louisdut
Hi Steve

How hard is it going to be ?

It’s hard for me to answer that one but will try and explain what my idea of the weekend

For most of us, it will be 80-90% of the miles that weekend will be riding on tarmac roads, but form Rhayader roads like this


But I’m hoping we can take in some unpaved roads which I’ve ridden on my 1200 GSA (now sold)

My mate doing small water crossing


Also the planned unpaved roads have been ridden by my mate Ela on her big pig (her name for her 1150 GS)



These pictures stolen form Pumpy

But I do know one mans Hardcore is another mans easy, so if the group wants to try some more hardcore lanes we can and if anyone wants to go round on the tarmac they can

I normally say bring your sense of humour and leave your ego’s behind as I’m sure there will be times over the weekend when we will all need a helping hand so team work will be order of the day (but didn’t bother as no sign of egos on here)

As for meet up if your not coming form the Midlands I’m going to suggest we stop for breakfast at Crossgates Service Station (café,fuel,shop all in one) and all meet up there and ride the 8 miles to Rhayader together that’s where it will get more interesting


Ps Hope you have a good time in Morocco :)

Re: South-Mid "Wales Weekender"

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:48 pm
by Adrian
Ok guys. After much thought, I really want to come along for this trip.
Please count me in.
It will be a fantastic experience for me and the luxury of being with some experienced riders.

Re: South-Mid "Wales Weekender"

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:56 pm
by minkyhead
that looks great thanks im in
cross gate cafe at a time you say ...
thanks steve

Re: South-Mid "Wales Weekender"

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:54 pm
by Barnman
sounds great

I am up for this.


Re: South-Mid "Wales Weekender"

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:02 pm
by minkyhead
Barnman wrote:sounds great

I am up for this.

nice one barney maby we can go down together

be carful after youve had your photo taken :ohmy: :ohmy: :evil: :laugh:

Re: South-Mid "Wales Weekender"

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 7:53 am
by Adrian
I could do with a favour!
Despite doing many wild camps on foot from the car, I haven't done one on the bike before.
So if someone has a kit list, I'd be grateful.