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Re: Mag contents

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:20 pm
by MarkN
Sleepy wrote:I would also like to see a bit more on planning where to go.. routes, campsites used, both in the UK and across the channel.

I definitely get fed up with the likes of '13 Fab Trips for 2013' which is one long advert containing no useful information at all.. :angry: NOT what I subscribe for..
With point 1, I think this would be difficult to do well, if the mag did something on France, it'll be just before the reader was off to Spain etc. Personally, some of the enjoyment of a trip for m is the planning, either doing the research myself or asking advise on forums like this.

As for point 2. I sort of agree with you in a way, but I think the article was more about germinating an idea, but it did look like a long advert.

I do miss the "My Bike" article though, it's always interesting to read about someone else's bike, we do it on most rallies, we talk to each other about our bikes.

Maybe, as a new mag', it's run on shoe string with only a couple of full time people and and a few freelance writers who hold down other, full time jobs and that's why there are a few articles by the same person in the mag'?

I like the idea from Tramp, of doing a kit test though, using kit for a while on a trip and combining it with a trip report.

Re: Mag contents

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:32 pm
by guyinthejungle
Quite a simple idea, but have the UK greenlaning routes on a card which you can take out with you. I also think the routes seem to be centred predominantly on the midlands, maybe a few more from the further afield??

I do wonder how long it will be before equipment tests/ comparisons start repeating. I got very bored of Trail magazine (a wlking mag) and it became very repetative.

Re: Mag contents

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:38 pm
by Mike101
Why not do an online vote to see what we want to read about in two months time....that may we can't moan.

Re: Mag contents

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:42 pm
by MarkN
At the moment I think we should bear in mind that Alun has been involved in a very serious accident and we should be grateful if any magazine comes out in time.

Re: Mag contents

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:25 am
by davsato
Yes "repetetive" that's the word I was looking for last night. Wasn't having a pop at GSs or the [mostly ;) ] wonderful folks riding them, but it gets a bit samey if you know what I mean?
or am I being fussy? There's only so much different kit in our niche market out there, some repetition is inevitable. If the mag was monthly it would be twice as bad. look at MCN, they have the whole of motorcycling to pick from but being weekly they regularly reprint and rehash old articles to fill the paper

Re: Mag contents

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:51 pm
by Sprockette
Bianchi wrote:Hi Em-J, I think one of the reasons that the write ups in the mag stalled because total lazy journalism.

What I mean, use are wanting people to buy a bike, modify it, take pictures of the modifications, tell you how much it costs, then send the whole article to use just for you to print it in the mag at no cost to use whatsoever and no incentive for the bike owner to do so.....

I have been to several rally's and even seen Alun at some of them but I have never seen anyone from ABR with their camera and note pad out gathering information on the bike, rider and its modifications. So maybe one of the journalists from the mag should get his finger out and go get some articles instead of waiting for them to drop into his inbox!

If I was setting a magazine up I'd definitely get a forum going alongside it. Good and easy way to look to the forum for inspiration, ideas and to keep pace of current trends. A lot of work would be done for you really. ;) :P