The Mouse that roared

The essential art of farkling.
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The Mouse that roared

Post by Alun »

Sometimes little things can make a big difference...

For the past 30 or so years my shoulders have tended to be the most prominent feature when I've glanced in my mirrors. I don't think I've ever ridden a bike where the rear view was perfect but the stock mirror placement on the Tiger 955 is probably the worst I've come across, the design team at Triumph threw these on for sure.

However, with the addition of bar raisers and mirror extenders I now have the 'perfect' mirror placement and the difference is amazing. I can now 'glance' and get a full, clear and unrestricted view of what's happening behind. There's no need to lean forward or to one side it's all right there in my line of sight.

It's one of those improvements that you'll never know how good it is until you get it right.
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