EDC Morocco 2024: Open invite for a free on/off road & desert guided tour

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EDC Morocco 2024: Open invite for a free on/off road & desert guided tour

Post by WIBO »


Depart France 02.11.24 Return France + / - 21.11.24

Possible limited numbers of riders and for about 21 days. A couple of nights desert wild camping will be factored in so every rider must be autonomous by way of camping

Keep checking this post as updates will be edited in.

Moto's need to be 600cc's plus to enable sustained cruising speeds of plus 115kph.

Moto List to date;

1. YamahaT7
2. Honda XR650
3. Husqvarna 701
4. Yamaha XT600
5. Yamaha XT660Z Tenere
6. Husqvarna 701
7. Honda 650 Dominator
8. Yamaha XT 600
9. Kawasaki KLE 500
10. KTM950 Adventure
11. Yamaha T7
12. Yamaha T7


Short for 'Équipe des Chèvres'..... (Team of Goats)

Not because we ride daring, high trails on cliff faces where only goats dare to tread.......but because of the way we behave....yes, we really are that stupid, following each other blindly.

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If anyone is interested in going just reply.....I'm going anyway, departing from Asson France 64800 to Spain for a ferry to Africa.

I will organise any hotels, guide and offer advice based on my experience for free. I too will also be open to advice based on others experience.

I can offer off road and road riding advanced riding tuition for free.

The route will be a rough general route to give riders a taste of as much of the regional variation Maroc has to offer as possible. We can wing it and change based on arising circumstances so one is not under any pressure to be anywhere at the end of each day.

Michelin Map number 742 refers to Morocco and OSM links for trails here....


I've been to Maroc frequently and know how it and the locals work........ I speak French and can assist with any problems that might arise e.g. customs.

We will check into accommodation as it's so cheap to include an evening meal as well as breakfast.

Maroc will find weaknesses in your moto with no doubt and to allow for that needs to be factored in. From a broken lever to things vibrating off...all things that require time to fettle on the day.

I'll try to keep you right so you pay what you should be paying as best I can, rather than getting fleeced

Essential qualities required: sense of humour and be able to take banter and also.....the ability to work together when..........ahem...I mean, if, it all goes wrong.

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Again, whatever moto you bring it should be over 600cc's ( to be able to handle road crusing speeds of plus 110kph ) .....make sure you have taken it off road kitted out and know how to ride it on same.....getting practice in will help.

Below are some 'Handy Tips' in no particular order, for what to bring or do............some obvious, that you no doubt do already and some not so.

Don't be shy in reading over these tips several times......

Lip balm as the air is bone dry and there's a chance you'll get chapped lips whilst riding.

A neck buff will keep your neck from getting sun burnt as the sun lies very low on the horizon in the late afternoon.......for the same reason a helmet with a peak is advisable.

Small bottle of pocket gel hand cleaner, if you so desire......the dirtiest thing you'll touch, as in Europe, is paper money and bread.

Upset stomach medication.


Inform your bank your card will be flagging up in Maroc....it's been known for banks to stop cards after a few days in, as it's out of the ordinary withdrawals.

Allow for space to stash any wet kit (UK summer) that has been worn en route through Europe. I have vented riding kit which stays open for the duration once over the Atlas; I don't know why I had to mention that.

A 'camel bak' type hydration bag is essential. Decathlon ones are cheap and work.

A MUST is to add flavoured hydration tablets to your water, eg Isotar etc ...these really do work. Average daytime temps will be 25-30c normally. Keep drinking, as when you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated.

Yelling, screaming and shouting for help will be viewed as attention seeking and will be mostly ignored.

Summer gloves or MX gloves along with cotton socks for boots if you so desire.

Sun cream and sun hat.


Basic first aid kit to cover typical bike accidents, like getting your foot chopped off with the boot still attached.

Optional spray insect repellent...every now and then, depending on where we stop, there'll be some flies as it's date harvest time, that's as in fruit...they don't harvest calendars.

Spare set of moto keys, preferably permanently on a lanyard around your neck. Loosing your only set of keys will cause all sorts of grief for you and all others will laugh and point at you.

If you don't charge your gadgets on the moto....then surge protected chargers are needed as there can be goofy power supply, especially that coming from generators. There's plentiful WiFi for the likes of skype/viber etc.

Avoid bungee net/bungees to hold any kit on....they're not strong enough to hold kit on when off road.........on lengths of corrugations....proper strong tie downs only. ( I've seen e.g. KTM official plastic panniers bounce off and get lost resulting in U turns to look for same...OK for road work but terrible for sustained off road easy trail riding......marketing at KTM best )

Easy access to head torch if you wish or phone lamp.


Make-up wipes....these will remove grease whereas baby wipes don't and come in a smaller packet for storage...they also work the same as baby wipes for toilet usage......also work to remove your lipstick and eye shadow.

Learn how to pick up your moto...........there's more chance of having a snatch-stall in a car park than anything else. Of course no one will laugh......much............or take pictures.

Pack as light as possible.........see point 21..........................for more information............................re-read point 21.

Customs will be completed by the Customs Officers when you present your moto registration papers.

Pack a couple of needles and a spool of thread (stashed in First Aid box and taking up no room) if any kit gets ripped falling off...or even just a split seam through wear and tear...handy to have and not always thought about. (On my last trip I sewed a glove seam after a days riding with my finger poking out..really annoying until it was sewn)

A socket/tool to remove front sprocket nut in case of a chain derailment where the chain ends up jammed in against engine......not always thought about.

If you can ride with a foam filter that will rinse in petrol without the glued seams dissolving it would be a bonus. Some filters fall apart, when rinsing in petrol, as you have to use the makers 'own friendly cleaner' No use when in Africa. Dust in Africa is quite like like smoke...really ,read like Talcum powder, hence a filter that will wash in petrol is a bonus, if, that is when being used off road. On road is fine and you can be OK with OEM.

If you ask questions akin to "Where are the toilets?"..... "Do they change money here?"...The water temperature in my room is tepid what will I do?" ........You'll be met with a blank stare or with the response of "I haven't been here before either so how do really expect me to know , ya goat "

The first person who indicates smugly that they know something more than others will be deemed a Responsible Adult (R.A.) and therefore open to a bombardment of questions and thus blame....see point 27 for question examples.

Based on previous experience garlic is the best form of defence against the 'African Vampire Giraffe' as they're too tall for you to jump up and hammer a wooden stake in. Get to know these monsters before leaving Europe and ways to avoid same.

If applicable a visit to the dentist before leaving... a toothache a couple of days away from a dentist could spoil your ride out.

I strap stuff onto my panniers criss cross fashion and tie the ends of the straps to each other. If you just use straps on each end without the criss cross, the kit will indeed vibrate off due to long stretches of piste corrugations. This is why a visit to the dentist is also advised.....your fillings won't rattle out.

Good strong motocross type/style boots should be used rather than softer boots.... ( I once had a chap turn up wearing slip-on shoes on a GS1200.........against advice he rode and after 1km fell off and did a u turn never to be seen of again....he was over 18 years old )

A tow strop strong enough to haul your moto in case of a complete breakdown (footpeg to footpeg)....the small ratchet type tie downs you get in the likes of B&Q will not work....for my single cylinder moto, a standard e.g. Acerbis moto cross tie down has worked to date. Make sure what ever you use is tested as if it's too light it will snap.

The corrugations WILL rattle nuts and bolts loose especially on pannier supports.........PLEASE , PLEASE , and erm, PLEASE!!!!, go around the moto and nip every thing up well before departure!!!!!!!!!!!!.....even suspension pivot nuts/bolts.....Loctite is a bonus.

If you have an Allen key type front axle to loosen remember to bring the tool to do so.

Bring good quality zip tys/short length of wire to twist ref. lost nuts or bolts.

Spare cables (if older cables are on the moto) attached to existing cables with zip tys covers the snapped cable scenario.

Breakables.........Spare clutch, brake & gear levers are a must !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Start off with a good condition chain kit if not new and with steel sprockets.....alloy will not last... period. Bring wheel bearings if unsure or swap them out before you leave for all the price of them. Same applies for brake pads. Parts network is NOT like Europe at all.

If your GPS has a place for a lanyard fit one from there to the moto in case it either vibrates off or gets knocked off after a fall. It can sink into fesh-fesh, imagine the same consistency as a bag of cement powder and you'll not find it if you missed it coming off. An old sleeping bag draw string or fine cord from the climbing section in Decathlon works fine along with a carabiner to attach to the moto.

Spray the inside of your air box with air filer oil too...anything to catch dust. Seal any sides if you can with a line of grease to catch dust also.

If you see the odd small pile of stones arranged or a large rock on the road, it's usually a sign that there's a hazard just there....a land slide,hole or severe dip etc.

A small tube of instant gasket and quick set JB weld stashed, should be thought about.

A few denture sterilising tablets to keep your water back-pack fresh.....doesn't take long for spores to arrive in the heat after a few days.

A small container should be thought about, with various standard nuts and bolts and to include a couple of helmet peak plastic screws if applicable. Make's it less annoying if you ding your peak off and then you can carry on.

Alloy or soft luggage is preferred over Hepco and Becker plastic...these do not work well off road any great distance.....they will fall off unless a tie down is used to wrap around them via the pannier supports.

If you think your pannier supports look a little light duty i.e. certain Givi ones ...weld some gusset at key mounting points. Each trip I see pannier supports cracking.

Bring couple of pens......handy to write the fuel price on your hand to show cashiers and to fill in the passport declaration form on the boat. I stash a few by slipping them into my handlebar cross bar foam,

If you run tubes and can't find patches.....try a farm supply as they usually stock same for tractor tubes. Shower gel will lube your tyre.

A couple of spare split links for your make of chain i.e. DID split links for DID chains and a couple of links of chain should be thought about in case a chain snaps. Tool to break links too.

A spare regulator should be considered and if riding with tubes a front tube will get you to where you need to go by using it in both tyre sizes.

When entering the confines of Spanish ports ride at the speed limit as there can be radar cops.

A cheap pair of Decathlon type binoculars or scope could be thought about to be handed out to local shepherds......they can watch their flocks from a distance and save fuel if on a scooter from having to patrol their grazing areas.

If you so desire bring some cheap sweets/lollipops to hand out to kids along with some pens so they can get 2 or 3 hundred thousand words of learning.

Brush teeth with BOTTLED WATER as you can't drink the tap water. Drink breakfast orange juice only out of cartons that you can see and the same with fresh orange juice....sometimes fresh orange juice is diluted with tap water.

I still see riders arrive with not enough tools or no tools along with no medical kit, reliant on other strangers to carry them.....This laziness could possibly annoy the other riders. This is OK until you have to return home early for an emergency......this is when you'll get problems......on your own on the way back and no way to effect repairs.

When riding Maroc twisties, it's a national pastime to see numerous local vehicles driving towards you over the centre line. Take note.

200MAD equals 16GBP .....20MAD therefore equals 1.60GBP....... 10MAD equals 80p....1MAD equals 7p ....do you really want to wait around for a few pence in change when getting fuel? For the saddo tight-fisted types, get to think that 20 dirhams is not 20 quid and that when you get 198 dirhams of fuel just give the fuel attendant 200 and smile as you get back onto the moto. If they over fill you by a few pence they drop it back to 200....it works both ways.

I've seen some people wait around for a few pennies equal in change. The locals think this is weird. If you have this psychological condition you'll not have the full Maroc experience........ a lot of the people you'll meet have nothing and yet some riders will stand there waiting for 4p. Pretend it's like other countries, a tourist tax, except you can see it going into the hands of the locals.

A minimum of four bottles of water in addition to what you have on your back, should be on your moto at all times. When off road and arriving at any auberges then top up by buying what you need to keep it at four. Remember that you will use some for cooking also. I've seen bizarre riders ignore this advice when it has been pointed out that water is available to buy, then see them have to sponge off others the next morning as they were too tight to spend.....incredible to be that tight-fisted in the desert and deprive others of their water.

A few of the Isotar type sachets should be stashed in your camel back to save hunting around in your panniers.

If the rear wheel of your moto sinks into sand...as soon as you feel lack of forward motion stop.......it will not lift itself out of the sand....just dig in further. Get off the moto.........put it onto its side and fill the rut that has been dug with sand, using your feet. Lift moto back up and it should be level enough to pull itself out, if not by itself but with a push from others.

A cheap wind up radio to be handed out to isolated locals could be thought about

Budget your petrol by checking on line the price before you go..it's always cheaper than in Europe.

If arriving into Tanger Med there's ATM's on your LHS ( 50m ) just after the final gate check, along with the chance to buy motor vehicle insurance if arriving before 1900hrs........usually. Insurance can be purchased in Nador Port and there are ATM's just as you exit on the RHS. There's a small carpark and the tills are at the end of same.

When sleeping at night keep your tent zipped up as the African vampire giraffe can lean right in with their long necks, to the end ,and bite you.

After I find a reasonable price for an hotel........based on experience feel free to tell me you can get it on booking dot com for two quid less, as this will be deemed very important........by all means feel free to book same with the app and then find out that you have to ride a few kms to it and pay more than the two quid you just saved for a full evening meal, dessert and tea, that I was able to include in my price. See point 57.

If mixing camping and hotels DON'T burden yourself with lots of food stuffs as it's all readily available when buying fuel....a couple of cuppa soups for a dinner and a packet of cereal bars for breakfast the next morning with sachet coffee/tea......small diameter fajitas are good to have in your pannier as they are vacuum sealed and keep for ages.........if you miss buying a disc of bread you can open these and have with a cuppa soup. A good Plan B.

When camping I carry a 2L fuel container, only so as I can fill my petrol cooking stove......normally I have enough to get from one section of piste to each town with one tank. I usually take great pleasure in filling a local shepherds scooter up when I can. Know how many kms roughly you can get on a tank and factor that in.

A lift out small overnight bag saves you having to lift off panniers / Giant Loop and carry them in to any hotel, usually up a couple of flights of stairs. Your moto will be safe. No need to carry a heavy chain lock.

If you want a single room in any of the hotels then you'll pay more.

Bring original Registration documents, Vehicle Test Certificate if applicable and Insurance Certificate.

Test your moto and make sure that you can sit all day loaded, for a couple of days at plus 115kph..........IF NOT bring another moto.

Pack as light as possible

A long charger cable as sometimes the only socket is high up on the wall at a TV

Connect with Polar Steps application

Download OSMand application if you're not using a GPS

If you cannot read please learn to read before reading or re-reading all of the above.

ROUGH route plans for the ride out are below and are subject to change in proportion to the level of stupidity encountered.....

02.11.24 Saturday

Depart Asson 64800 France to an Hotel in Manzanares Spain.


Manzanares to Algeciras to Asilah Maroc


Asilah to Midelt Hotel


Midelt to Merzouga


REST DAY Merzouga Explore pistes and Erg Chebbi dunes


Merzouga to Taouz piste Ouzina to Ramlia to Tafraoute Wild Camping dunes.


Tafraoute Lac Maider to Zagora by Piste


REST DAY Zagora Explore pistes and town


Zagora by road to Foum Zguid to Tissint by Piste then to Tata and to Igherm by road. Wild Camping exterior of Igherm


Igherm piste to Taradant to Argana by mountain piste to Immintanoute


Immintanoute to Camping Relais Marrakesh


Rest Day Marrakesh


Marrakesh to Khenifra


Khenifra to Chefchouen


Rest Day Chefchaouen


Chefchaouen to Tanger Med to Spanish Hotel


Hotel to Hotel Spain


Hotel Spain to Asson France
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Last edited by WIBO on Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:51 pm, edited 23 times in total.
Will It Buff Out?
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Re: EDC Morocco 2024: Open invite for a free on/off road & desert guided tour

Post by Tonibe63 »

Ehh up Keith, good to 'see' you back 😎.
I'm not able to go on the trip myself but thanks for opening it up to the forum 👍.
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Re: EDC Morocco 2024: Open invite for a free on/off road & desert guided tour

Post by Mactavish »

Hi Keith , thank you for the open invitation.
Am definitely in , be on a Yam T7 .
Regards Gus .
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Re: EDC Morocco 2024: Open invite for a free on/off road & desert guided tour

Post by BobH »

The cogs are turning.......
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Re: EDC Morocco 2024: Open invite for a free on/off road & desert guided tour

Post by WIBO »

It would be nice to meet and ride out again to include the banter and stupidity.
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Re: EDC Morocco 2024: Open invite for a free on/off road & desert guided tour

Post by WIBO »

Mactavish wrote: Sat Jan 06, 2024 1:53 pm Hi Keith , thank you for the open invitation.
Am definitely in , be on a Yam T7 .
Regards Gus .
Super young man....another ride out of ridiculness. :D
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Re: EDC Morocco 2024: Open invite for a free on/off road & desert guided tour

Post by micksea »

I'll speak to my therapist.
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Re: EDC Morocco 2024: Open invite for a free on/off road & desert guided tour

Post by MR X »

You still dragging poor folk of the beaten path :o
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Re: EDC Morocco 2024: Open invite for a free on/off road & desert guided tour

Post by WIBO »

Nothing else to do these days .... :)

Now, who might this Mr X be? We've ridden before I presume?

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Re: EDC Morocco 2024: Open invite for a free on/off road & desert guided tour

Post by Heff »


Would have loved to join you again in 2024, but I've already booked for Portugal in Sept, so cant do both.

To the guys that are going, you'll have an absolute ball. 8-) 8-) 8-)

WIBO knows his stuff and speaks the local lingo.


Just wishing I could make it :cry:

Bump to the top.
Last edited by Heff on Tue Mar 12, 2024 9:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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