Whats happening to me ?

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Re: Whats happening to me ?

Post by SteveR »

I've had bikes for a fair while now and I've found that the desire to ride does go up and down depending on mood and weather! Without a doubt, riding here in the UK has become less pleasurable in recent times, although we all know routes that can give you a buzz.
Like others here with smaller bikes, I enjoy the little 400 more than the 1l Vara for a ride out, although if I have a 600mile run, I know which is wheeled out of the garage!
Just going for a "hoon" has never been a big thing for me, I've been trail riding since the early 80s and prefer that for getting my kicks, what I do like is a trip... Going somewhere with a purpose, be it a trip round France, popping to Galway to see my Sis or a trip to the HISS, these make the ride so much more enjoyable, and of course, a new bend around every corner... (thumbs)
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Re: Whats happening to me ?

Post by bowber »

I've had the same, and then eventually your mood changes and you like going out again, sometimes it can be just the hassle of getting my kit on, other times it's being sick of the local roads and trying to think of somewhere new to head for.
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Re: Whats happening to me ?

Post by steve_h80 »

These days the tenere often stays in the shed, it's just too serious for an afternoon bimble round the dales. The current bimbling bike is a silverwing. Yep a scooter.
OMG I'm becoming a scooter evangelist!!!
And you think you've got problems.
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Re: Whats happening to me ?

Post by Yoyo »

bowber wrote:I've had the same, and then eventually your mood changes and you like going out again, sometimes it can be just the hassle of getting my kit on, other times it's being sick of the local roads and trying to think of somewhere new to head for.

I've suffered the same feelings, used to blame it on commuting but when I stopped using the bike for that I couldn't get into it, the longer I went without riding the worse it would get, almost to the point of selling up, then I have a bit of a ride out and the bug comes flooding back, keep with it, it'll come back.

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Re: Whats happening to me ?

Post by Sloth »

Mac 60 wrote:So it seems that something is changing in my attitude to motorcycling. Once id use any excuse to get my bike out, even if it was just a short trip to the shops, mates house or id an hour to spare. If the weather was good id ride to work and take the long way home. My late wife used to shake her head at my excuses to get the gear on and bike out but this year i really cant be bothered unless iam making a day of it at least. If iam not going to be covering big miles i cant be arsed. Still love biking and its still on my mind constantly, still dreaming up big trips but i have lost that any excuse will do edge. Ive even got the gear out and just thought naw not worth the bother. Anyone been here before ? :S
Know Exactly how you feel !
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Re: Whats happening to me ?

Post by Bluebird »

I get the same feelings. My ride these days has to have a purpose, a destination or a tour. Find it difficult to ride local these days, same old roads etc. I think part of my problem has been, being a lone rider, and getting all the kit on. A couple of good mates on a ride makes all the difference, you make the effort to go, left on your own, to easy to say no!!
Saying that, booked a weekend in the Lakes with a couple of mates, and doing the N.C.500 in September, really looking forward. Certainly wouldn't want to be without a bike.
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Re: Whats happening to me ?

Post by micksea »

felt the same for a few years now,its all got too serious and expensive.faffing with all the gear to go out and sit in stop start traffic,traffic lights every quarter mile,riding the same old routes.i took up of roading on a cheaper bike and enjoy the challenge and learning new riding skills.look forward to riding abroad and out with good mates who don"t take it too seriously.
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Re: Whats happening to me ?

Post by threepot »

A biker friend of mine died last month of liver cancer. I'm sure he'd swap places with a few of you right now? FFS,get on and ride!!!!
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Re: Whats happening to me ?

Post by Decco »

WOW what a great topic!
I've been asking myself the same question lately.
When I was younger and had sport bikes I was on them every minute I had free.
Riding! it had to be mastered!
I was fortunate at the time, I had money so I bought fast bikes, I tried to master them, but what I realised I was doing was, I wasn't masterng riding, i was just riding like a tit and risking my life a bit more (after a few close calls) I was getting a buzz thats what it was.
I'd been on a trip of Europe over a few weeks on my ZZR 1400, and what a great trip it was. Got back to the uk and my front wheel bearing failed. scary. took it back to dealers as still under warranty, whilst there I noticed an odd looking bike, It was a KTM 690 Supermoto, you know the horrible one with the two upsweapt exhausts! yeah it was a 2007 model 2000 miles on the clock , prestige model and quite cheap. Keep the zzr I said, send me the difference in the post.
Now whilst cruising thousands of miles around europe was brilliant fun on a zzr 1400 , it had sort of numbed me a bit, I'd covered serious miles and just to get a thrill I found myself supemanning the bike through a spanish tunnel at 150, this nearly killed me when I popped out the other side to find I was on a bridge about 1000 ft up with a massive crosswind, nuff said! Riding had become a bit dull.
So I've bought a KTM 690 Supermoto, just off the crap looks but I'd seen something in it, I must have done.
I'd not even test ridden it, Popped my helmet on and took off down the country road from the dealers.
First instict , Oh My God! what a mistake this bike is crap. It was like I imagine trying to ride a penny farthing to be. i blink and it changes direction. the zzr was unwaveringly stable.
10 miles later I had reached a mythical place within the biking community.
SKELMERSDALE - The land of the round about!
Round abouts ranging from 10m wide to about 100 m wide it was full of them, I was just passing through but the bike was that controllable i must have stayed an hour trying them all out.
Now let me explain, I still had my nice new R1 crossplane in the garage, but this was infinately more fun , all 65 HP of it! I was having more fun on a silly little single 650cc that I had actually intended to be for my dad on the odd time he visited.
Following weekend , I met up with my Superbike friends for the normal weekend scratch only this time I'm on the KTM 690 thumper, I did apologise in advance and told them not to wait for me as we headed of to the Ponderosa 60 miles away.
Imagine my surprise well maybe theirs when I was the first there! by a country mile.
That was my awakening that the newest and biggest bikes are not the best, its finding the right bike for you.
I used to chase horsepower and speed and wasted a lot of money on my thrills, I'm now more refined in my taste, I appreciate a bike that corners well with immaculate throttle response, that doesnt actually mean you need to spend to find it, I bought a Bandit 650 for my girlfriends birthday and thats actually quite sweet.
But finding your mojo again is a different thing, I'd bet putting a brand new bike in front of you wouldnt change a thing! I've just had a brand new 690 duke delivered as a courtesy bike to the door, to be honest it took me 48 hous to get on it , then I wasn't overly impressed, it is good though!
What I think you need, is a good think about why you like riding. when you identify it get the bike to do it.
When i was young I liked the speed, the looks , the attention.
Then Refined to speed and cornering.
I' getting older, just cornering will do.
Now i just like pottering about the country lanes on an enduro or getting muddy.
We all change, change your bike with you.
Your mojo is you and your bike singing the same tune.
Start Singing.
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Re: Whats happening to me ?

Post by Flintlock »

Yep - hear what you are saying Mac - as others have said I think its to do mainly with two thing - getting all the kit on, and the hassle of busy roads. However every time i get the bike out & am on the road it does bring a smile to my face, even if its a quick hour fix on local roads.
I try to get my local run done early in the morning before the roads get busy & its definitly worth getting out of bed early for.
I think if i only could go out during busy times on the roads I would call it a day - so much traffic now.
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