Hollinsclough, Staffordshire.

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Re: Hollinsclough, Staffordshire.

Post by Hugh »

Greetings folks,

I guess that it is time that we sent our OPPOSITION into SCC.

You should simply ask that your correspondence be recorded and that you should receive confirmation of such.

Put simply your general thoughts are enough as we don't need to prove any usage nor any time frame.

There are two methods to record your opposition;

send a brief letter to;
Highway Maintenance and Network Management, Third Floor, Staffordshire Place, 1, Tipping Street, Stafford, ST16 2DH

or email
[email protected]

You must quote reference; HoCPS/TM/TR34/23

Retain a copy of your letter/email for your own reference purposes.

You have until the 17th January 20224 but the sooner you can do it the better.


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Re: Hollinsclough, Staffordshire.

Post by Richard Simpson Mark II »

My response...feel free to copy/borrow content and SEND IT IN!

Your Reference: HoCPS/TM/TR34/23


I wish you to register my objection to the proposed closure of Swan Rake and Limers Rake in the Parish of Hollinsclough to motor vehicles.

I note that your proposal contains no evidence of substantive reasons for taking this draconian action, and wonder at whose behest it has been proposed.

It might appear to the impartial observer that the council is proposing this action as an alternative to discharging its duty to maintain the routes to an acceptable standard. Has the alternative of engaging with local and national user groups and clubs to assist in the maintenance of the routes been explored? Yours

What public consultations have been undertaken regarding alternatives to a blanket closure?

I also wonder what provision has been planned for horse-drawn vehicles, which are not mentioned in the proposals?

Closing these routes to motorcycles would harm the heritage of the area. The Pathe archive contains film of the routes being used in The Bemrose Trial almost a century ago.

Please register this communication as an objection and provide responses to the substantive questions I have raised at your earliest convenience.

Yours faithfully
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Re: Hollinsclough, Staffordshire.

Post by Hugh »

Greetings again,

It soon got to the 14th January 2024! It will soon be the 17th - cutoff date.

Bright sunny dry day today, good for trail and trials riding but have you sent your OPPOSITION email off to SCC yet? Without your email we might in the near future loose the Right to ride or drive Swan and Limers Rakes at Hollinsclough!

Please, send an email briefly outlining your reasons why you OPPOSE the proposed TRO to ban motor vehicle use from these two iconic routes. If we loose these two then ultimately others will follow. We need to show that we care and want to share and to be shared with in our use of the countryside.

Email to; [email protected]
Quote reference; HoCPS/TM/TR34/23

It only takes a few minutes. Thank you.

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Re: Hollinsclough, Staffordshire.

Post by Richard Simpson Mark II »

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Re: Hollinsclough, Staffordshire.

Post by Hugh »

Greetings folk on this snowy morning.

My curent worry is that when the snow clears will people like us still be able to see see the Rakes. The local Parish Council are holding meetings behind closed doors - so much for Democracy. However, not all of the residents are against us and I understand that they have sent in letters of OPPOSITION.

It begs the question then - have you? Time is very quickly running out so if you haven't then today is your last opportunity as the so called "consultation" ends tomorrow. Remember, SCC has already held one "consultation", they didn't get the support then that they wanted so let's make sure that they hear us a little clearer this time!

Email to; [email protected]
Quote reference; HoCPS/TM/TR34/23

It only takes a few minutes. Thank you.
Consultation review 1.pdf
(1.48 MiB) Downloaded 104 times
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Re: Hollinsclough, Staffordshire.

Post by Hugh »


Well things are moving a pace in Staffordshire. No sooner had the closure date arrived but SCC decided to extend it. Sorry the attachment is only printed and does not have smell or you too would probably note the aroma of bovine excrement :o
Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 18.59.09.png
Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 18.59.09.png (85.82 KiB) Viewed 16432 times
And today those wonderful upright folks of Peak Horsepower have added their two penny worth :shock:
PHP1.jpg (139.8 KiB) Viewed 16432 times
PHP2.jpg (157.26 KiB) Viewed 16432 times
I'm not a horse rider but as I understand the term "canter" basically means the pace of a horse or other quadruped between a trot and a gallop, with not less than one foot on the ground at any time. Is this speed suitable on a shared route?
When has a horse ever been able to travel at that speed up Limer Rake? Certainly it could only have been before 1938 !!!

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Re: Hollinsclough, Staffordshire.

Post by Hugh »

Greetings and good morning folks,

Well you should by now have an idea as to the duplicity and false claims that your team has to work against to try and keep our routes open, not just for us but for everybody.

I am assuming that everybody who has read on here has recorded their OBJECTION to SCC and has tried to gain support from others too. One does not have to be a motorist nor live in the area to object to this proposed unjustified discrimination. Once one Authority gets away with this behaviour it sets a precedent for others to follow.

Please don't let them get away with these behaviours, send in your thoughts and possibly join either GLASS or the TRF, if you can spare the pennies then even both.

Send an email not later than 07 February 2024, in fact please do it now quoting reference HoCPS/TM/TR34/23 and state your grounds for OBJECTING.

[email protected]


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Re: Hollinsclough, Staffordshire.

Post by Richard Simpson Mark II »

I wondered when the usual suspect would rear up!
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Re: Hollinsclough, Staffordshire.

Post by Hugh »

Greetings again folks,

Yes, I am still trying to get you all to email Staffs CC and OPPOSE the proposed TRO banning all motor vehicles from Swan & Limer Rakes.

Historically Limer Rake has been used for motoring activities such as motorcycle trials and LDT, we need to keep these routes open for future riders.

There are so many inaccuracies being recorded behind the proposed closure and lots of positive alternatives available which are being ignored to move forward and share.

Please, there are only a few hours left now so get your OPPOSITION recorded. Thanks.


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Re: Hollinsclough, Staffordshire.

Post by Hugh »

Greetings folks, thank you to everybody who sent in an Objection.

I guess we just have to wait now and see what StaffsCC comes back with.


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